Real Estate Appraisers

HomeSight is expanding rapidly and is always looking for “State Certified” or Licensed Appraisers to inspect properties for the purpose of drawing an as-built floor plan and shooting pictures. Think of this as an opportunity to supplement your existing appraisal business. However, many of the appraisers who do field work for HomeSight have transitioned into working for us on a full-time basis as Independent Contractors.

You can get started in this new and exciting business for a very small investment and if HomeSight has or obtains an exclusive contract to provide service in your area, we will even guarantee you a minimum amount of work.

Why does HomeSight only use Appraisers for fieldwork?

The founder of HomeSight is a state-certified appraiser and knows that in order to ensure both accuracy and quality of the products and services, highly qualified people must be utilized. Experienced appraisers already know how to measure homes, therefore we can get you up and running and making money in just a few days. We measure all homes to secondary market guidelines just as you do now in your appraisals.

How the system works:

  1. Real Estate Agent places a service request on the HomeSight RSS website.
  2. The order is assigned to the proper field person for that area.
  3. The field person makes appointment to inspect the home and enters the appointment date and time into the HomeSight RSS website.
  4. Field person visits the property, draws the home as-built, and shoots photographs.
  5. Field person draws the home using Apex software, or optionally provides a hand drawing.
  6. Field person transfers photos and finished Apex drawing to HomeSight’s server.

HomeSight employs processors that actually build and post the tours for the real estate agent. Once you have transferred the files your job is done! The average home requires less than one-hour field time using our system. In addition you will be assigned a processor for your market that will ensure that you are working efficiently. Think of it as having an assistant that is always there when you need them.


  • Generous pay scale
  • Less liability than in an appraisal
  • Receive appraisal orders on homes you have already inspected for HomeSight
  • Enhanced relationships with local Realtors
  • No appraisal forms to fill out
  • No comps to research
  • Can make as much or more money as appraising
  • No underwriters to deal with
  • Build a database of properties you have drawn

Click here to get started!

If you'd like to get started or learn more, please tell us about yourself below.

Are you a Licensed or Certified Appraiser?
How many years have you been appraising real estate?
What is your average turnaround time on appraisal assignments?
Have you ever been disciplined by an appraisal regulatory body?
Do you have an Errors & Ommissions insurance policy?
Do you currently use Apex for your sketches?
Do you currently draw interior walls for your appraisal sketches?
Do you include symbols/icons on your drawings, such as doors, applicances, windows, etc?
What geographical area do you cover (list cities, counties, states)?
Are you familiar with basic operation of digital cameras?
Do you have high-speed internet access?
Are you familiar with the use of laser measuring devices?
Can you provide clear and accurate hand-drawn sketches?
How did you hear about us? (please include website address if applicable)
Please email qualifications and samples of your sketches
(Apex file or hand drawings) to